Compiling Z88DK on the Raspberry Pi
The Z88DK project provides C compilers and libraries for over 100 Z80 machines, including the RC2014, ZX Spectrum and ZX Spectrum Next. Here are some quick notes showing how I got Z88DK working on my Raspberry Pi 4.
Just installing z88dk via apt resulted in an old version, so I opted to install from source instead.
First I installed some dependencies: –
sudo apt install libxml2-dev
sudo apt install bison
sudo apt install flex
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
Code Download
Then I downloaded and uncompressed it: –
tar -xzf z88dk-latest.tgz
cd z88dk/
Here is how I compiled the software (it took a while!) : –
export BUILD_SDCC=1
Once everything is compiled, you need to run the following commands to ensure that the executables and libraries can be found (it’s probably a good idea to add these lines to your ~/.profile file).
export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/z88dk/bin
export ZCCCFG=${HOME}/z88dk/lib/config
You should then have the necessary tools available, which you can check by running the following commands, separately: –
zsdcc -v
Once you’ve got everything ready, check out my post on programming in C for the ZX Spectrum.
2 thoughts on “Compiling Z88DK on the Raspberry Pi”
Failed at the first hurdle. “E: Unable to locate package libxm12-dev”
That’s because you used a number 1 and not a letter l! It is libxml2-dev.